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Here are some web-based tools that students can access from home to help with a variety of homework questions:


  • Prodigy Game (an interactive online math program that builds basic math skills and student confidence)

  • Homework Help (free online math help resource for students in Grades 7-10 - provides live one-on-one tutoring from Ontario teachers; funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVO's Independent Learning Centre)

  • Nelson Math   (Online website support for parents for Nelson Mathematics from JK to grade 8)

  • AAA Math (math website that features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons for JK to grade 8 students. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows a thorough mastery of the concept)

  • Coolmath (cool math games and puzzles, clear math lessons, fractals, geometry, tessellations and more for JK to grade 8 students)

  • Math Goodies (a free math help portal for grade 1 to 8 students that features interactive lessons, worksheets and homework help (as endorsed by the TCDSB)

  • Math Playground (Action packed math site featuring math games, math word problems, math worksheet, logic puzzles and math videos for JK to grade 8 students)

  • Math Stories (math website for elementary school students (grade 1 through 6) to boost their math problem solving and critical-thinking skills)

  • Number Nut (math website that offers an introduction to mathematics and its variety of topics for students of all ages)

  • Purple Math (math website for grade 4 to 8 students that contains practical algebra lessons demonstrating useful techniques and pointing out common errors.  Lessons are written with the struggling student in mind)

  • S.O.S. Math (contains tutorials for grade 4 to 8 students that covers algebra, geometry, calculus, differential equations, matrices and complex variables.  Reviews the most important results, techniques and formulas)

  • Web Math (a math-help website for grade 4 to 8 students that generates answers to specific math questions and problems as entered by student at any particular moment)

  • Got Kids Games (online math games by grade levels)


  • RazKids (an online guided reading program with interactive ebooks, downloadable books, and reading quizzes)

  • Premier Literacy

    • User name is  tcdsb

    • password is  access                                        

  • Progressive Phonics (an all-one-reading program that is easy, fun and totally free to teach SK to 3 students to read and write in just a few minutes a day with worksheets and activity sheets for each book)

  • Read Write Think (a website with a variety of resources for out-of-school use for students of all ages. Visit the Parent and Afterschool Resources section to learn more)

  • Reading A-Z (offers thousands of printable teacher materials to levelled reading, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, reading fluency, alphabet and vocabulary - includes professionally developed downloadable levelled books, lesson plans, worksheets and reading assessments for SK to grade 5 students)

  • Shmoop (study guides of classic books)

  • Starfall’s Learn to Read (a website that uses a systematic phonics approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice, to teach preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development (ELD, ELL, ESL) students to read. Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children)

  • Toronto Public Library KidSpace (provides online help for homework assignments and studying (information is arranged by the Ontario curriculum courses and strands and includes extensive list of resources) and has links for tell-a-story, ready-a-story, hear-a-story, tumblebooks, ask a question, do a word puzzle or find a great book)

  • Vocabulary Spelling City! (teaches spelling and vocabulary for students of all ages; students can study and learn their word list using vocabulary and spelling learning through games and printable worksheets)


  • Voila Learning (a  French Homework Helper Online Support open to all French students with live tutors available online every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening between 4pm and 8pm to help with reading comprehension or oral communication in French)

  • FSL Homework Toolbox (a French online resource for students and parents to support French homework completion; launched in September 2011 by Rainbow DSB)


  • Canadian Geographic (an online mapping tool)

  • (popular one-stop information resource for kids including timelines, almanacs, a colourful atlas and over 57,000 short articles from the Columbia Encyclopiea) 

  • FactMonster/homework (breaks information down into subjects (geography, math, social studies) and skills (writing, speaking and listening, studying))

  • Grolier Online (six research databases including encyclopedias and magazines)

    • User name is  toroncdsb

    • Password is  toro5988                                            

  • National Geographic for Kids (a site for animals and places)

  • Library and Archives Canada (online resource where you can have your questions on Canadiana answered)

  • Natural Resources Canada Atlas (online resource that allows you to download maps and find details on Canada's geography)

  • Toronto Public Programs classes & exhibits: (Programs, classes & exhibits coordinated by the Toronto Public Library)

  • Learn 360 (media resources for teachers & students for grades K to 12)

  • Ontario Educational Resource Bank: (Ontario Ministry of Ontario portal of educational links for teachers and students)

    • User name is  tcdsbstudent

    • Password is  oerbs                                           



Here is some information about how to help your child succeed and keep them safe:

  • Safety Tips (Safety tips to keep your child safe from Child Safe Canada)

  • Parenting Tweens and Teens in the Digital World (addressing self/peer exploitation, cyberbullying and online luring )

  • Internet Safety (The Door That’s Not Locked 10-12 Years:  Internet safety)

  • Smartphone Safety

  • Choose the right child seat (information about choosing the right car seat for your child (booster seats for children less than 8 years old, between 18kg/40lbs and 36kg/80lbs and less than 145cm/4'9" tall;  seatbelts for children over 8 years old, weighs over 36kg/80lbs and is over 145cm/4'9" tall)





Here is some information about parenting workshops:

  • ParentTalk (parenting webinars and workshops that provide positive strategies for dealing with common parenting challenges;  one-on-one parent coaching is also available)

  • Alyson Shafer (a psychotherapist and one of Canada's leading parenting experts, Alyson Shafer's website offers parenting advice for toddlers to teenagers)

  • Parent Education Network (courses and classes for parents)

  • Beverley Cathcart-Ross (Parenting expert and founder of Parenting Network that offers courses & workshops that offer parenting advice)



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